A Modern Link to an Ageless Tradition
Central to Jewish life are the laws of Taharat Hamishpacha - Family Purity, of which immersion in a Mikvah is an integral part. It is these laws that sustained Jewish families through both times of turbulence and peace. It is so important, that a community is obligated to build a Mikvah before a Synagogue.
The laws of Taharat Hamishpachah are the mystical key to a heavenly marriage. Its properties are magnetic, creating an exhilarating attraction between man and woman. Immersion in the mikvah is the essential component of a fulfilling marriage based on the Laws of Family Purity.
The mikvah is a mystical pool of rainwater that transports a person back to the very origins of spiritual purity.
Those who know its 2000-year-old secrets have mastered the foundation for a wonderful marriage.
If you are married or considering that significant step, the mikvah provides you with spiritual insurance for lifelong happiness.